Sherlock BBC Writing Meme Day 06. Share some headcanon for Mycroft.

Jun 01, 2012 14:21

Okay, so I'm doing those again and trying not to curse the fact that I had most of the answers prepared on my laptop before it crushed. Now I'm starting again, gathering some tim to prepare those answers on paper while at work. (Yes, I'm a terrible worker, how did you know? Then again, how many Hufflepuffs are good at telemarketing? ;))

06. Share soem headcanon for Mycroft.

This is one of the few questions I'm glad I have to answer again. And to be perfectly honest, I'm sad it's not further away since my headcanon for Mycroft is morphing rather wildly at the moment. (I blame mystrade mostly.)

Okay then. Let's talk about Mycroft. (Fair warning: there's plenty of talking about Mycroft before I actually get to the point. But in all fairness, it could be way longer.)

I already mentioned I have a problem with writing Mycroft. Mainly, as I explained, it's a problem with the kind of character Mycroft is. His sneaky, cunning, Slytherin seld. Really beyond this his omnipotency is a slightly smaller problem. But those are managable. With lots of planning, some good advice and a great beta to check mistakes in both grammar and logic, Mycroft is managable.

The problem howere reappears in connection to canon. Because as far as I'm concerned, we're offered a different version of Mycroft in every episode he appears. And let me just add, I'm not fond of the 2nd season's portrayals. and so I was convinced my love for him is gone and I won't bother myself with his characterisation.

Oh, I couldn't be mroe wrong. Instead I got obsessed. My mind: it makes no sense.

So now I'm fighting to figure out Mycroft. How does he work? What does he like? When did he fell for Greg? And what the hell are they talking about, when they're done with gossiping about Sherlock? (I also have one or two bunnies with Molly, but I can pair anyone with Molly. I'd say she's my new Alex Krycek, but only megan_moonlight would understand this reference.)

Anyway, to make sense of canon!Mycroft, my headcanon is constantly shifting, trying to find something that fits everything. But yes, there's something I can share with you. It started as a joke and was prompted and got a few laughs and now this vision is permanently stuck in my head. Khem, khem:

Young Mycroft was rather iritated with his brother. You see, Sherlock was a difficult child. So when he smiled and said 'thank you' everyone was deligthed and excited as if a miracle happened. But when he threw things and had tantrums, people just didn't pay attention, because it was a day as normal. You see, having a brother like this is tiring, but it also puts a hell of a pressure on Mycroft. Because Mycroft was always the good, proper one, who would scandalize everyone by not saying 'thank you'. And usually it was fine, but sometimes Mycroft was simply fed up with that.

And so on one of the most memorable family parties he finally acted out. The guests asked Sherlock to play, but he threw his violin at the wall and stormed off. After an awkward moment or two, they turned to Mycroft instead. Mycroft knew they were only asking him because Sherlock (who was better at music) refused and also because no one even ever considered Mycroft may not be in the mood to be a performing monkey (as Sherlock nicely put it). So, Mycroft smiled, sat down by the piano and played.

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meme: 30 days, sherlock (bbc), writing, meme

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