(no subject)

May 31, 2012 13:33

* I was sick! Evil cold crept up on me, encouraged by the ice-cream femaleshinigami sneakily tricked me into eating. (Lesson: Never eat ice-cream in dark elevator with femaleshinigami. I would say it ends with a sore throat, but that would be one pun too many.)

* Before femaleshinigami made me sick and obviously atempted to kill me, she let me finish watching 7th season of Supernatural. Which I think was good of her. Even if it was probably another transparent at taking my life.

* I'm going back to work today and I'm not happy about it. Especially since I've missed a few days in this month and therefor I will be paid even elss than I thought. Argh.

* On the bright side, I've missed three days of my stupid awesome job. (Well, I appeared there on Monday, saying that I know I already have one unexplained absence and could we really make another oen without much of a fuss, because I can work, sure I can, but my voice will die in half and hour and I may puke on the computer. They went for it, which is good, 'cause throwing up on the computer would be awkward.)

* In the meantime Mystrade took over my mind. No, really. I've printed one fic and read it four times already. I probably will do it again this evening. Also, I'm writing my second fic about them and it shockingly grew, so it may turn up to be two fics. (Does anyone remember how I mentioned I cant write Lestrade or Mycroft?!) And I scroll through recs and flist, etc. and I see Sherlock fics and I'm all "bla bla bla, who reads Johnlock anyway?"
I'm pretty sure British Government is sipping something into my tea.

* I used free sick time to re-watch some more of the X-Files. This show is made of awesomness and cookies and I'm now done with 1st season. And you know what 2nd season means. (In case you don't: ALEX KRYCEK, that's what.)

* I also read three books and planned another original story. No work is fun even if I feel like throwing up most of the time.

update, friend:femaleshinigami

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