(no subject)

Oct 01, 2008 15:27

18:30 2008-09-28

I Feel: Surprisingly okay.
I Watch: Vids.

Topic: Room and Room-mate.

So. i have some troubles with getting my sorry ass here, but I spend some more money and taxi saved me ;) I spent way too much time in the line waiting for my turn to get to the administratory office and I finally got my room.

Of course, while standing in line I was looking at other girls wondering with whom I may end up in a room. When I finally got to the office the woman there said that I'll be with a girl that entered just a moment before me. I decided it sort of sucks.
No, I have aboslutely nothing against that girl. For, God's sake I don't know her! But you know, like sometimes you get the bad or good impression about someone for no particular reason? That was something like that.
So I'm making my way to the room, slightly worried about the future ;) And end up meeting different girl in my room xD One of the two from the line that I was hoping I'll end up with xD I don't know how it's going to turn out, but for now? It works.
We made some shopping and we're both beat, so we'll probably drop like dead, but I wanted to tell you I'm still alive and I 'm cool.
BTW, about the room-mate.

We're both on the 1st year of Polish Philology.
We're both named Magda. (Well she has the longer form of the name, but still...)
We're both addicted to the Internet. (So we'll probably work really hard to get that net connection SOON).
We're the same age. (Means we both started those studies a year later ;))
We've both read HP.
We've both watched X-Files.

Other fandoms don't fit, but  I hope to make her see how great House is ;)

I hope it'll work out. Love ya all, Andy.

student's dorm, moving out, life

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