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Oct 01, 2008 15:23

22:22 2008-09-27

I Feel: Nervous
I Watch: Downloaded Fanvids.

Topic: Tomorrow is a big day.

So. I have a bus at 4:52 am to be on time for the rain at 7:03 am. I'm not sure at what time I'll be in Gdansk, but whatever. Definately before 3pm, when the administration offices get closed.
The only thing I still intend to pack, but didn't exactly get to it (tough there's a exact amout of free space left for it) is my laptop.
I'm addicted fuck up, but I just can't make myself do it yet. I hurts the most, you know? And it's weird, 'cause I won't have net for some time yet. (After I checked how much paper work and other stupidities wait for me, I think it may take a while. A longer while than I thought.) And still, writing those posts makes me feel closer to you. Which makes me feel surer. So I'll write stupid, long posts about how scared/tired/stupid/worried/confused I am, okay? Someday I'll probably even manage to post them. ;)

For now, I'll write a bit, read a bit and try to get by.

Loving you all and missing you terribly, Andy.

PS. Thinking about that I sometimes post quotes that exprese my state of mind. This is a quote that - after hearing it - I made a motto of this whole fucking moving out. It's from SPN, 'cause I'm a helpless fan.

"The food might be bad and the beds might be hard. But at least we're living our own lives and nobody else's."

university, moving out, life

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