
Oct 01, 2008 15:27

18:30 2008-09-28

I Feel: Surprisingly okay.
I Watch: Vids.

Topic: Room and Room-mate.

So. i have some troubles with getting my sorry ass here, but I spend some more money and taxi saved me ;) I spent way too much time in the line waiting for my turn to get to the administratory office and I finally got my room.

Of course, while standing in line I was ( Read more... )

student's dorm, moving out, life

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Comments 2

natinio October 1 2008, 19:38:13 UTC
Well, another important question: is she a slasher? Because if no then you have to bring her to our dark side soon!! Ah, perverting others is so fun X3


andrea_deer October 1 2008, 19:46:10 UTC
Nope, she's not ;) But she doesn't mind slashers, cause she knows I'm a slasher. And I'm currently trying to House-corrupt her. Small steps, you know?
Besides currently we're not talking xD Not as in we're mad at each other, but as in she's finding new friends I'm sitting in the net ("there's a lot of porn pilling up in the internet. It doesn't download itself!"). So yeah :)


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