The Future Falls, cover art

Oct 23, 2014 12:13

November 4th, which is a very few days from now, is the publication date of The Future Falls, the third Gale Girls novel (also known as the Emporium books).  It occurred to me that y'all might like to know what it is you're looking for so...

This is the DAW cover:

jacket art by Steve Stone

I love that dragon.  It's doesn't look exactly like I see Jack but you know what? So don't care. Love it.  Also love the expression on Charlie's face.  And I just noticed, which is me all over since I've had ARCs for a while now, that there's all sorts of subtle background stuff going on.

And if you're in the UK, Titan is publishing their edition on November 21st.

UK styles are graphic rather than illustrative so -- because I suspect someone is going to ask -- it's an apples and oranges comparison and I love them both.

eBooks available on both sides of the pond.

And, just in case you have no idea what I'm talking about when I mention the Gale Girls books, (or the Emporium books)(seriously, I suck at series titles) here's a graphic reminder:

the DAW editions:


and the Titan editions:

shilling, books

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