Convolution Schedule

Sep 24, 2014 16:52

So, I thought those of you who are planning on attending Convolution in
San Francisco (or more accurately Burlingame) over this coming weekend
(September 26 - 28th, 2014) might want an advance look at my schedual.

If you're not planning on attending, you can still see the schedual.
It'll just be bit irrelevant.

Thursday evening SF in SF Presentation (

Friday 1-2 Opening ceremonies
Friday 2-4 You got your science in my fantasy!
Friday 4-6 Questions and Answers and things that go bump in the night!
Friday 6-8 ProSocial and Meet the Guests
Sat 12-2 GOH Spotlight
Sat 2-4 Women and Warriorship
Sat 6-8 Small Gathering
Sun 10-12 Women in Sci Fi
Sun 12-2 Military Fantasy
Sun 4-5 Closing Ceremonies


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