Book Day!

Nov 06, 2012 15:04

I know, I know, I haven't been around since August... I'm a bad, bad bloggerer.  And I know I haven't been around since August because I got an email from my agent asking if was still on Lj.  Um...ooops.

And today's content is pretty much commercial content but I thought you'd want to know...

The Silvered drops today.  New standalone book, created world fantasy, with werewolves as the good guys, Naploeonic tech level, in hardcover.  As far as I know, it's not only available in paper but digitally. (I know for sure it's available on Kindle because a couple of people told me they had a copy.),,9780756407438,00.html

Plus, the Wild Ways is out in paperback!,,9780756407636,00.html?The_Wild_Ways_Tanya_Huff

Hopefully, more bloggish content ahead.  I mean, I'm sure I have something to say that'll take more than 140 characters.  :)

ETA: BAKKA-Phoenix has around five signed copies of The Silvered leftover from the stock they took to WFC.

gale girls, shilling, silvered, books

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