Sometimes it's weird inside my head...

Mar 01, 2013 13:41

A couple nights ago I had an unpleasent reaction to some medication I'm taking. Where unpleasent translates as "felt like Adramelech was clawing its way out of my stomach". (What? Oh, Adramelech is an Arch Demon whose name means King of Fire.)(You know what a TCP/IP connection means; me, I know demon names. Different job requirements.)

Anyway, as I was pacing up and down the hall in the wee small hours of the morning, from the bathroom to the far end of the living room - because it's a straight run and I wasn't feeling up to curves - I noticed, glancing into the mirror on the bathroom end of the loop, that my hair looked amazing. The shape, the colour, the volume, all good. Actually, great. Okay, maybe not great, my vision might've been a little blurry, but at 3AM, while walking off some significant pain, I was definitely having a good hair day. Um... morning.

Today, looking into the mirror, I thought, "Oh great, my life is a game of GURPS." Because I was feeling better, but my hair was doing a pretty good imitation of Jeff Daniels' hair in Dumb and Dumber.   Apparently at some point when I wasn't paying attention, I agreed to trade intense stomach pain for good hair.

And thinking about that, I wandered through Newtonian physics - equal and opposite reactions - fairytale archetypes - cut off your toes to fit into the glass slipper - and the old workout maxim "no pain, no gain" (Jane Fonda, 1982) until at long last, juggling half a dozen partially constructed screeds on sacrifice, accomplishment, and vanity, I realized I'd had way too much coffee on an empty stomach. And not enough sleep.

For what it's worth, my GURPS character took alcoholism and lechery as disadvantages and could fire into melee. And her hair looked fantastic...


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