It's ANOTHER Poll!

Jul 12, 2011 13:43

First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in the "Blood books as one voice or dramatization" audio book poll. I appreciate you taking the time and, as I'm not an audio book listener, I found your comments fascinating.

As usual, once you volunteer for something, something else is asked of you.

Let's talk ebooks. Or, more relevantly, let's talk short story collections of the electronic variety. And, because of Blood Bank, which is still in print and therefore DAW's responsibility not mine, let's assume that short stories involving Vicki, Henry, and Mike are not part of this conversation for now.

Poll An eBook Collection Question

ETA: It occurs to me I should point out that we're talking about previously published short stories, not new ones, being made available in a new format. This isn't to say there may not be new stories appearing later, just not right now.

ETA#2: Okay, as a significant number of you are voting for both options can I assume I should have added a third ticky box: "I don't really care, just get the damned things out."?

eeeeek!, it takes a village

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