Is it? Yes, it's yet another Poll!

Jul 18, 2011 12:28

So, let's say that there were to be e-books (for an ish definition of books) of about 40,000 words, which breaks down to around five to eight stories depending on the length of the stories included, how should I chose the stories? If I have enough stories in a specific mythos, that's an easy group, but I have a lot of stories that stand completely alone. Or, as in the Valor mythos, there's only two (and one of them was just sold so it can't be used for a year after publication anyway) .

Unfortunately, the way I'd like to do it isn't possible unless I set up my own "buy direct from the author webpage" which I won't. I guarentee it. I don't even get around to answering my freakin' email in a timely manner, and you don't want to know how long it takes me to answer snail mail, so you can trust me completely on this. I. Will. Not. Do. It. (And thank you for offering, but I don't want you to do it for me either.)(Do you see an author webpage of any kind? No, you don't. Because in a year, as of SDCC, I still haven't gotten the necessary information to my web designer.) This ties the stories to the formats required by the major distributors.

Thus, torn by indecision, I ask for your help one last time. Okay, one last time for the foreseeable future...

Poll Short Story Selection

eeeeek!, it takes a village

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