Signing in Toronto!

Sep 08, 2010 10:12

This coming Saturday, September 11th, we'll be launching Truth of Valor at Bakka-Phoenix in Toronto.

Which is not to say that I'll be standing across the road with a chicken cannon firing books at the store, but rather that I'll be there to sign or talk, or sign and talk, from 3pm to about 5pm.

Bakka-Phoenix Science Fiction Bookstore
697 Queen Street West (just west of Bathurst St.)
Toronto, Ontario


If you can't make it, well, I'll be very sad, but Bakka does mail order.  You can always tell people later that you were there.  They'll never hear differently from me.

Truth of Valor is the 5th Torin Kerr Confederation novel, out this month in hardcover.  Also The Enchantment Emporium has come out in paperback since the last time I was in town.  Plus Bakka tries to ensure there's a full backlist of older books available too.

And cookies.  There'll probably be cookies.  Books and cookies, how can you lose?

ETA: Chris, Bakka's manager, says the website is under reconstruction but web orders can be placed by email:


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