and i'll write your name

Nov 03, 2014 13:52

Good afternoon internet, I am procrastinating from doing the first of three Uni assignments that are variously due in the next three weeks! Also the house is empty so I have iTunes turned up and 1989 playing while I sing along to what I've memorised so far. Once Four comes out I suspect the rest of the year will be a mishmash of pure sparkly broad-appeal ~mature pop and it will be glorious.

Before I forget, here is the link to Naomi Novik's short story Vici, in case at some point in the future I find myself looking for the tale of Mark Anthony accidentally taming the first dragon as a result of inconveniently surviving his death sentence.

I know I keep saying this, but I really have scorched my SPN bridges, if not outright burned them just yet. Honestly, it's partly that normal "okay i've been in this fandom for a few years now, time to move on" thing, but exacerbated by the tumblr fandom of which I am still reluctantly a part, who are literally watching a completely different show but insist that I should be seeing the same stuff they are. Sadly, I still ship it, so every eye-rolling JFC THESE DESIEL SHIPPERS posts makes me bristle, even though I completely agree. Sigh.

You know what's still great though? Agents Of SHIELD. Sure, they need another couple of ladies to regain that gender balance they had last year (*whispers* Lady Sif should come back), buuuut Mockingbird (and May, and Simmons) make up for a lot. A lot *________* (Also Skye, I love Skye, but she cannot probably take out a man with three fingers and a paperclip, or convince Hydra she's a committed operative wile still funnelling vital info back to SHIELD, so).

Bro kept making sad eyes at me every time we watched Futurama, along with pointed comments about the FBI refusing me entry to the US next time we go on holiday there, and therefore I have re-tried Hola Unblocker (previously it hadn't worked at all for me), and all I can say is that if karma is real the inventors (and the xkit guy) should really be winning the lottery soon.

Mum and I have also started watching Once Upon A Time, and while I know some of the things that are going to happen (Hook! Mulaaaaan *___*! Frozen tie-in!) it's still p great. also I guess somewhere there must be a support group for people who find themselves disconcertingly attracted to Rumplestiltskin, right???

Other than that, Age Of Ultron is still disappointingly far away when it contains things like Clint's farm and Thor with a ponytail and flashback!Loki and Natasha backstory and Bruce in a straitjacket and Steve ripping logs apart when he loses his temper and probably Sam/Tripp and and and ;____________;

(PS One Direction are probably gonna fill my music RPS void, I can feel the sickness creeping upon me. I actually find myself bizarrely intrigued by the softness of their regional accents; like, have they spent enough time together during their formative years for them all to have moderated each other's dialects to a sort of muted generic "English"??? Plus, as I already said on tumblr, with the exception of Harry their voices are not what I imagined AT ALL, it's Derek Hale all over again (also like Louis okay, Louis. I thought all those ~speculative comments were just the tinhatters but he basically does sound like every male hairdresser stereotype, bless). Also I am just excited at the prospect of actually getting to write British people, like that hasn't happened for years/ever really (Asgardians don't count that's exaggerated RP not like normal slang and shit). Also like okay - so literally yeeears ago I had this like Pern AU? With all of bandom in it? Spanning about ten years of life? And then I added Adam etc when I moved fandoms? And now I just have this vision of weyrlingmaster Tyson Ritter collapsing onto a bench going "so those new weyrlings, great FARANTH" while his weyrmate Nick Wheeler makes soothing noises and the rest of the wing look intrigued. Also proddy greenrider Louis Tomlinson standing out in the bowl yelling at nominal wingleader Zayn Malik that he doesn't have to take orders from him, while Zayn folds his arms and says deceptively evenly that he reckons he does, actually, with Harry between them trying to keep the peace and Liam and Niall standing back and clustered together looking confused and disturbed at the sudden discord in their little group, while up on the rim Zayn's bronze is lashing his tail and glaring at Louis' seemingly unaffected and preening green (and if you know Pern you know where this is going).

tv, music, the avengers are really gonna need a tag, i love you tumblr but you need to stop, fic ideas, spn, tumblr strikes again, dragons!, omg rl wtf, crossover

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