make it easy

Sep 12, 2014 22:05

I sometimes miss the old LJ - you know, the one with comms full of fic and collaborations and shared glee and friendships - when I come to post here, because now it's just for like, actual journalling, if that. I like tumblr fine, but it's not like LJ used to be; in line with the oft-heard complaint, there's no similar sense of community, and having conversations is not nearly as easy or intuitive. (also I feel like tumblr is much wankier, but maybe that's just the fandoms I chose to get involved in)

I have nothing of particular interest to say here. I bought half a dozen books last week, two popular science (biotech and geneticsssss) and two each to finish/bring me up to date with the Temeraire and Women Of The Otherworld series, the former of which is possibly why I now sound a little like an Austen reject.

I've finally disengaged with the SPN fandom enough to not be particularly interested in the new trailer, and to only shake my head in resignation over Misha not being in the 200th ep. I'll still watch the thing, but I don't care enough to do more than that. \o/. Now if only my muse would come back so I could set to on the 5847593759847505730 MCU fics I have snippets of/vague outlines for, that would be fucking stellar.

I've started reading 1D fic, and have realised that a) I have no idea what these boys sound like and whether stuff is IC or not (although they're all trusted recs so I'm sure they are), but from the fics I have learned they're all Northerners (well, except Niall, obv, but even then I have no idea what his accent sounds like), which gave Southerner me a moment of surprise and vague disappointment because ugh, northern accents (Liam is apparently a Brummie! Louis is from Yorkshire) but I'm sure I'll learn to get over it; and b) I've been in American fandoms so long I can no longer read "pants" as "trousers" and not "underwear". Conclusion: I need to watch This Is Us stat.

I also got Netflix, which has proved disappointingly lacking in things like Futurama or SPN or Frozen or a decent Disney selection, and the GLBT film selection of which I was initially excited about plowing through until 4/4 films featured cheating on heterosexual partners, angst, traumatic outing and/or ostracising, and an unhappy ending for the couple, with the partial exception of 1, which completely faked me out as to the couple but did feature a KStew lookalike working out in a tank top a lot, so there was that. Well, and The Birdcage, but that's not really a LGBT film so much as it is a meet-the-parents comedy that happens to feature a gay couple. However, Netflix does have Animorphs and The Power Rangers Movie and Walking With Dinosaurs, as well as Lost Girl and Person Of Interest which I've been meaning to watch, so it has redeemed itself slightly. Now it just needs to get the Marvel phase 2 movies and I'll be happy.

This last I'll cut for period-related TMI. So I had the implant fitted last year, like 11 months ago, and at first it was gr8; I bled for a couple of weeks as my body adjusted, but then it was fine. Then I started breaking out, and my hair continued to come out on the brush in slightly worrying amounts. I insisted that I'd weather everything short of cystic acne if the implant continued to fend off my periods entirely, but after 2 months of blessed nothingness I ended up with a 6 week but generally reduced period Jan-Feb. I convinced myself it was linked to the zinc supplements I'd started taking for my skin and stopped taking them, only to start to bleeding again in May (just in time for exams!) and then never really stop. Oh, it slowed to that horrible muddy brownish discharge sometimes, but never enough to go without protection, and it always surged back up into bleeding after a few weeks. As soon as we moved house I went to the doctor (because I was otherwise registered with the Uni doc and we were on the other side of the country), and eventually after a lot of staff shortages and non-qualified medical personel I finally got the thing out today, and the Mirena IUD put in. The cramps were very uncomfy for an hour or so, especially to someone who hasn't had to deal with really bad cramps for several years, but the worst part is honestly the part where I'm bleeding essentially into my underwear with no uh, internal protection, which I haven't done since I was a wee baby of 13 dubious of tampons. There's some evidence that the suction cups use to seal can cause expulsion, so I might well never use them again either, so if I'm unlucky enough to be one of those who bleeds for weeks or months while my uterus gets over the fact that it actually has something in it, I might look into sea sponges.

Plus, I had to fucking fake a boyfriend to get the damn coil fitted, as apparently period control is not a valid enough reason to want it (to be fair it was a contraceptive clinic, but). If I'd got the implant out first, the same rule applied: I'd have had to have a ~consult before I could make the appointment to check I knew the consequences. Ugh, straight people.

If they ever invent a time machine, I will go back to 2009 and tell 19 year old me two things: 1) do not overpluck your eyebrows baby, they will take years to grow back and Mum will make sadfaces a lot, and 2) when the nice Army doctor offers you the Mirena, please take it, it will save you years of failed other methods of period control.

tv, gay gay gay gay gay yay!, movies, omg rl wtf

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