
Sep 03, 2008 08:16

In the newspaper today, I read an article on how Bush was endorsing McCain for president in 2008.

"We live in a dangerous world. And we need a president who understands the lessons of Sept. 11, 2001: that to protect America, we must stay on the offence, stop attacks before they happen, and not wait to be hit again."

Let me get this straight:

You think that by getting involved in a cesspool, a tinderbox of conflagrant theo/socio/ethno/political, a quaqmire that is a Gordian Knot if ever there was one, is "understanding" the lessons of Sept. 11 2001?

You're a retard.

You're now just another ball of yarn that's caught up in that Gordian Knot, making it that much more convoluted.

Do Israel and Ireland tell you NOTHING?

Here's what will happen:

You will be involved in Iraq until people forget what you're fighting about.
Or, you can withdraw and suffer through the effects of what was essentially pulling a Ben Franklin and flying a kite in a lightning storm.

You in all of your "understanding" have given the insurgents a target to focus upon, a common enemy in a land where there is a deep cultural belief that impels people to gather against the strongest enemy until he's defeated. It's indicative of the depth of the division in Iraq that people there are still killing each other despite the presence of that larger enemy, the US.

And you're entangled in it. Great job.

So basically, you're committed to this, despite the fact that there is no real possibility for a peace process to occur, at least for many years, because the ONLY solution, as is evidenced by Palestine/Israel and Ireland/Northern Ireland, and such a process is impossible because there is no recognized governing body in the region you've just stuck your hand into.

John McCain "understands" this problem the way you do? Then he is the WORST candidate for your job, Mr. President, unless you want to ensure that the American Empire collapses underneath its own weight by the end of the 21st Century.

By the way, life mimics the energy involved in a situation, not art. It's just more catchy to say that life mimics art. That explains why America is a nation of grotesquely obese people. Eventually, you'll get too fat to move, America, and then the vultures will come.
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