OtC l 32.2 - Hallucinate

Jan 20, 2009 13:50

[Eddie, im_nohenley, used with permission.]

Shaking off the insomnia had been a feat Ford was proud of. It didn't stop him from waking up in the middle of the night, however. The young psychic glanced over Eddie's sleeping form and saw that it was three in the morning. Sighing, he stepped off the bed and crossed to the doorway. A glass of water sounded great right about then. Sighing, Ford closed the door to his and Eddie's bedroom before making his way into the kitchen - not bothering to turn on any lights.

Grabbing a glass out of the cabinet, Ford turned on the sink, tap water acceptable in the middle of the night before bringing the glass to his mouth.

All of a sudden, Ford heard a crackle as he set down his glass. Making a face, Ford left the room he was in and spotted the fireplace across from him. It was on, the flames crackling and dancing around each other.

He didn't remember leaving the fireplace on or even turning it on in the first place but he was half asleep. And it wasn't as if the apartment was warm. He welcomed the fire. He would have welcomed it more had been started by him indefinitely. But, he couldn't remember. Maybe he had. Walking over to it, Ford pressed the switch, the flames dying down.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ford thought he saw something. "Eddie?" he asked, turning his head. But, Eddie didn't answer him. The sink however, did, the faucet turned on again, water cascading out. "I turned it..." Ford started, making his way back into the kitchen and turning it off - again.

"Hey," a voice said from behind Ford, startling him and causing him to yelp. "Sorry," Eddie replied.

"It's OK," Ford replied, his gaze fixed on the sink. Eddie came up behind Ford, wrapping his arms around the psychic's waist.

"You OK?" he asked.

"Yeah," Ford replied. "Let's...go back to sleep."

[who l eddie, [plot l haunted, [community l on_thecouch

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