Dec 18, 2009 13:20
Typical. The white house has finally fired back on someone who is critisizing the health care bill. They let Sarah Palin and the republicans run all over them yelling about death panels and killing grandma's and babies, and they didn't say a word. They let Joe Lieberman flip flop on them TWICE, and they said nothing. So who do they chose to strike back against? HOWARD DEAN, who is out and is simply saying the truth, which is this health care "reform" bill is SHIT, and is basically a hand job for insurance companies. Thats right white house, don't hit back against the opposition. Bash your own party instead. That's fucking smart. They deserve the low approval ratings they currently have. When the Barack Obama I voted for finally decides to show up and stay longer then 5 minutes at a time, please let me know. This guy we got in there now is seriously beginning to bore the shit out of me.