Here is the trailer for Iron Man 2: Looks outstanding, as expected. The first one is one of the very best comic book films ever made. Plot details haven't been released for this movie yet, but all that is known is that Mickey Rourke plays the villain Whiplash in this one. Sam Rockwell also joins the cast as a rival weapons dealer to Tony Stark, and Scarlett Johannson plays Black Widow. Whateve. It's almsot certain to be excellent. And it is absolutely certain to be the biggest movie of 2010. Expect it to make MASSIVE amounts of money. That last shot in the trailer is simply orgasmic.
In other news, FOX is making/botching yet another X-Men movie. This one called "X-Men: First Class". It's a prequel showing the early days of Xavier's school and some of his first mutant students like Cyclops and Jean Grey. Yeah I don't really care. I only write about it becuase none other then fucking Bryan Singer seems to be directing the damn thing. And so we come back full circle. If his dumbass had just stuck with the franchise in the first place, we wouldn't have had a shitty third X-men movie. Or he could have at least come back and do Wolverine, maybe have made that one worth watching. Coming back for some lame prequel screams of desperation both on his part and the studio's . So they can all keep eachother. The X-Men franchise has become much like the democratic party. Spineless, unorganized and too confused for it's own good. Something that simply isn't worth watching anymore. Oh and if your wondering about another Superman movie...yeah that's in the toilet. Superman Returns cost way too much, and made too little, so WB threw its hands up in the air and no longer knows what to do with the character. Here's an idea, how about you just start from scratch? I'm sure there is someone out there who knows how to so a good Superman movie. Go find him, let him take a shot at it. Would seem like the best idea to me. But best idea's don't seem to be what is currently IN these days sadly enough.