Jul 24, 2006 21:23
Being at college, even if it isn't the most liberal of universities, has really opened my eyes and my mind to a lot of different people. Opened my mind so much that now things that would seem strange no longer phase me, like sometime I barely notice and only think later that the scene should have seemed odd or funny.- Yesterday I saw a pirate driving a golf cart down the sidewalk in front of Hughes Hall. I smiled at him and kept walking. ::shrugs shoulders:: who am I to say that a pirate shouldn't drive a golf cart! maybe he shouldn't have been driving on the sidewalk, but hey I like to do it to.
I kissed a firefighter last Thursday. It was hot, he was hot...that's all i'm saying about that.
I had a revelation today while I was talking with Jesse. It's about boys and why I don't want a relationship. Ok, a relationship would be nice; someone to talk to, someone to cuddle with, maybe even go on dates with. BUT, I realized that those parts are all I want. The thought of the work it takes to be with someone totally turns me off. It's about the baggage that come with the person you become intimate with that I don't like. That is also why I want to date an older man, because I want to be with someone that has a few things figured out, including a good deal about himself- then there is fewer baggage. I have my own and I don't want to carry someone else's extra weight just because he can't deal with it. That's not my job. Anyway, I got really excited that I figured that out about myself. It is good to know the reasons you are doing the things you do (or don't do, I guess, in this case).
I want another tattoo. I just have no idea what. Might add on to my butterfly on my back. It would be cool to eventually make that into something that stretches across my back, from one shoulder to the other- that upper part.
Tomorrow the Conference staff is holding a dinner thing. They call it Turkey Essence. apparently they do it every year. Everyone dresses up in costume (whatever the committee decides you should dress up as), brings food (committee decides what you bring), and then hands out awards (again committee decides what award). All of them are silly awards that we've made up, i'll tell who gets what later. So I got my invitation and I have to dress up as UCAPD. hahaha. that's great. Anyway talked to some officers and got permission to borrow one of the spare uniforms they keep around for new officers. Swindle got excited when I told her I needed to borrow a uniform. I think she thinks that getting me in a uniform will push me over the edge and make me join the force. lol. So tomorrow morning I have to go to the station and pick up the uniform and then go cook some fried rice at Ben's apartment (did I mention they are asking people who don't have kitchens and don't have kitchen utensils to bring food, sounds silly to me!). I'm kind of excited about it all, i can't wait to see how other people dress up. and I need to make sure I have film for my camera!!