[recipe]: miso shiro

Aug 28, 2010 17:04

The other week, coffeeandice got the plague and could basically just keep soup down. she had a lot of instant miso, and then i made her miso over the weekend. miso is totally easy and always tasty, so here is a recipe!

1) put a pot of water on the stove
2) add dashi to water. you need about 2 teaspoons of dashi for 4 cups of water, so adjust based on how much soup you're making. i think i put it one or two of those little pre-measured packets, and i have absolutely no idea how much water i used.
3) bring to a boil.
4) reduce heat to medium and stir in raw miso paste to taste. for 4 cups of water, it seems they recommend between 2-4 tablespoons, but i didn't measure at all. i just put stirred miso paste in until it looked like the right consistency.

online recipes suggest taking out a small bit of the hot water in a bowl and mixing the miso paste in with that, and then adding it back into the pot to finish cooking. this way you know it's all mixed and you're not going to get a huge chunk of just miso paste later. when i made it, obviously i didn't do this, and so i had to stir a lot more in the pot.

5) add toppings like negi (err, green onions), tofu, wakame (err, that kelp stuff), whatever you want.
6) simmer for 2-5 minutes, until everything is cooked.
7) eat! if you make a big pot, you can reheat it later and stuff. i think i left it on low on the stove for the entirety of the evening, so we could just go get warm soup whenever we wanted another bowl.

1) buy instant miso packet.
2) put instant miso into bowl with the other packet of stuff.
3) pour hot water over.
4) wait a little for it to steep.
5) eat.

food しよう

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