
Sep 15, 2010 00:00

I am posting because sinonymity has commanded me to. since she loves me, i must obey. ♥


speaking of food, i made my famous burritos tonight, but alas, made a horrible mistake in the process. It turns out that I did not have any salsa (which i put in with the meat/beans), so the consistency wasn't right, and adding a tomato just isn't the same. still tasty, but not as tasty. neverless. i will enjoy this dinner all week :D

Pens and Reparations. holmes/watson. which i've been reading an alarming amount of lately. thankfully, the fashion in the fandom seems to be to write fic in imitation style of the original stories, which i will never manage to do, so the temptation to try to write something is greatly diminished as compared to other fandoms.

SO FREAKING COOL GUYS. Alice in Wonderland's is made using the full text of the novel. how freaking cool!

work's been strangely overwhelming lately, but i'm pretty good about forgetting about it once i get home. am still coughing though. i will just have to walk around with my arms above my head all the time and look like an idiot :D i am good with this

Discussion topic!
Do you say:
A) Need to do
B) Needs done
C) Needs doing
D) All of the above
E) Some of the above (indicate in comments below)

pimpin', nikki no baka, nerdly ftw!, this is not my fandom (yet), food=幸せ, lx or bastardizations thereof, baito, posts of oblique references

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