i am going to miss my annie :(

Jan 30, 2009 22:23

a little thing called lust by homiten. Next part in the sins-verse, starring Yasu this time. (emchan, there are 3 swear words in the whole thing. go read it).

tired =__=
we moved everything out of the front room today except the curtains. everything. the ginormous american-style futon, all the dvds and stuff. and this gigantic solid wood desk that weighs 80 million pounds (i kid you not. though i may exaggerate a little). It took all four of us to move.
i've also started packing because hello, moving tomorrow. it's surprising. saturday kind of snuck up on me. I wasn't prepared at all. I feel like i skipped a weekday somewhere. have to finish tonight :(

will be getting internet again on sunday. mom is like '...you better get the Superbowl.' but as the building has the basic channels for everyone automatically, i can't imagine that we won't.

and you thought your life was hard

hello pretty j2 fic left in this entry :D i'm so happy to see you here. everyone go read it.

tv, pimpin', 疲れてるけど, with the doom!, nikki no baka, commentfic, someone just shoot me kthxbai, annie, why aren't you kidding?, mi familia, i am so fucked it's not even funny, please let me live through this week, teh internets = my sanity

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