of fic and gas leaks

Jan 29, 2009 22:12

you're in steeler country now. Unfortunately, you have to scroll down to listen to the song, but click the 'you're in steeler country now' one. XD i went to high school with this kid. in my head, he does classical. (also, btw. the superbowl this weekend? THE STEELERS ARE WINNING. got it?)

So there was a gas leak on my street today. Up the street, someone had hit a gas valve and then drove off. So gas leaked everywhere, and there were police cars and firetrucks and ambulances, and mom had to leave her car at the bottom of the street when she came home. The smell was really strong outside too, which is impressive because well, it was outside.

pimping: what's my name again? by homiten. it's an amazing JE AU. I can't even rec it enough. also, it's got a little bit of language, but otherwise totally clean.

I can't decide if I'm continuing this or not (or where i'd go with it if I did) so i'm posting it here to get mycroftnext to stop nagging me. this way it won't be duplicated on hizashikage if i end up writing more.

"I'd like to rewrite us somehow, give us that happy ending," he says slowly, wistfully, and Arthur thinks of old grey men, in springtime: March, when the buds are showing and everything around them is coming awake, but all they can feel is winter's cold because their bones are old, and it's in too deep to shake. "Of course, that's impossible." His eyes are that same bright blue they were when they met, all those years ago, but the expression in them is nothing like the ones he had then. They look like all the sorrow in the world, and Arthur thinks that maybe, after all that Merlin has had to see as he learned the things he needed to in order to save Camelot, that maybe, maybe it is.

Arthur can't stand to see it, that look, how lonely and haunted it is even as Merlin stands in the pale sunlight on the balustrades, sharp breeze snapping the banners behind him. He knows their time is limited, that even with everything they'd done to keep the kingdom safe for as long as possible, it wasn't enough, and Merlin can see their end rushing at them like crashing waves, the finish line to a race no one wanted to be running. He can't stand to see how old it makes Merlin look--a specter of an old, bent man with a long, white beard and sad, dim eyes somehow hovering around the edges of Merlin's still-young, strong frame--so he tries to offer hope, even if it isn't his to give.

"What about in that- What about next time? That future you say we'll get to make up for the choices that were forced upon us?"

Merlin's eyes lose their focus for a moment, looking past him into the fuzzy futures that might be. Then Merlin turns his old, sad, lonesome eyes back on Arthur; Merlin looks through him, into him and Arthur gets that shuddering, shaking feeling from when Merlin is poking around in his soul. "No one can know that," Merlin whispers. His voice is harsh, like the wind whistling hollowly around ruined edges of stone, moaning and full of mourning through the remains of what used to be a castle on a hill. It sends a chill up Arthur's spine and suddenly he knows he was wrong to have tried.

the first sentence actually got 'best sentence' at getyourwordsout's weekly competition. i'm a little over the moon.

pimpin', watch me be vain, music!post!, this is not my fandom (yet), america, ficcage, bakanakoto, with the random

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