
Jan 28, 2009 21:28

anamuan: i am not a j2 virgin anymore, but that doesn't mean i'm a professional hooker
anamuan: i don't have all of the positions down yet ok
anamuan: i can't do fancy tricks with a condom and my tongue
roundaboutit: dude, chill.

had an epiphany today. snow boots. like real winter snow boots. are amazing.

fielded 4 phone calls (and an alarm) between 11:11 and 12:11. :\\\ my mood. was not great. though one person who called for my father says i have a professional and friendly manner when answering the phone XD

INTERVIEWゲット! *spazzes out* he even said that he heard the phone interview went well *spazzes out even more*
*calms down* they sound like they're quite interestedのでできるかもしれない。 is it normal to have the benefits package emailed to you before the interview? ヨシッ! 頑張ります!

of course, this means i really do have to face the realization that i'm moving and will need to pack. along with all the rooms we're re-arranging/cramming together because the front room's ceiling needs redone before it literally falls down on us, and the upstairs bathroom is getting totally renovated, it's a lot of work.

Kame didn't like being dead. It is unfortunately flocked for now, but. i have hopes it shall be posted publically soon! post is unlocked! you have no excuses now. go read it!

the weather here was really awful today. It rained, sleeted, slushed, and snowed or a combination of those all day. The roads are snow over ice over slush.

pimpin', hoobaloo!!, with the doom!, nikki no baka, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, this is not my fandom (yet), my god is an awesome god, what; is this hope?, quotes without context, mi familia, bakanakoto, weather, please let me live through this week, sleep

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