Feb 01, 2009 20:13

the last play by harrison was really, really cool. Um, basically, he ran a hundred yard touchdown.

I CAN HAS INTERNET! unfortunately, the router i inherited doesn't seem to be functioning, so i'm hardwired to the modem, but internet on a leash is better than nothing.
I can also has TV. mom changed her mind last minute (actually while the comcast guy was here) because while i have all the basic channels (ABC, CBS, NBC) and a couple of random local ones via satelite by living in this building, maybe all the traffic today or something, the picture kept breaking up and that's not acceptable on a night when the steelers are playing the superbowl.

I can also has new address. At least I'll have this one for a while right? I...don't really want to have my contact information up anywhere all the time, but considering how many times i've changed address in the last few months. On the other hand, this is the last change for a while :Dv I guess we'll go with, drop me a comment if you want the new one, and I shall get it back to you some way or another

woke up at 10:50, packed up my last tiny suitcase of books (i left a lot at home this trip). loaded up the car. It was really cold. Snuggled with annie (as the car was being re-arranged). Kept mom awake for 5 hours. Stopped at Arby's for lunch--their ham melt is actually pretty good. Got to DC around...5:40 or so. Borrowed someone else's parking space and unloaded the car; moved the car back to our parking space. Set up the tv, re-arranged furniture, did a load of dishes and a little bit of unpacking, and basically collapsed.

One fun thing was annie had her second driving lesson yesterday because dad had locked the CRV and then they froze shut. Since the CRV was blocking the van full of my stuff in the drive way, it had to be moved, so eventually dad got the trunk open, and then sent annie in through the back of the car to move it out of the drive-way, and then move it back XD. She got out really nicely, though she had a bit of trouble turning off the street back in.

Today, got up, unpacked a lot (though the kitchen is still a disaster zone. They should have given some of the living room space to the kitchen, because there's only so much stuff you generally put in a living room. THe kitchen is pretty tiny, and we discovered that most of my stuff is kitchen stuff. At least the dishwasher works.
Comcast guy came around 2, and then left around 6:30 (technically, there was about an hour and a half-two hour period he wasn't here, but he had to come back because we weren't actually set up the way we were supposed to be). The people on the other end just took their own sweet time flipping the little switch to on, or some shit. In the end, we gave him some of the pizza we got for dinner, because he was here basically all day.

still have some unpacking and organizing to do, but that will have to wait until after the game. may or may not be around.

food, tv, why yes i am a bitch, 疲れてるけど, 寂しがりやじゃない, america, mini!(r-.-)r, someone just shoot me kthxbai, annie, mi familia, no one cares no really, bakanakoto, please let me live through this week, weather, teh internets = my sanity

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