1131: swamp lions!

Nov 06, 2008 19:53

annie: whenever dad walks behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder, I'm afraid he's going to give me a backrub.
nikki: *laughs, chokes on pear*

dreamed in epic space cowboy storylines.

jon stewart: eye contact. people on the streets of new york are making eye contact and nodding and smiling. I am afraid that someone is going to invite me over for pie.

saw a black wooly bear yesterday. guess we're in for a hard winter :(

...and i seem to have temporarily misplaced the thing i was mailing to you, katrinastrife. :\\\\ this makes it very difficult to mail it to you, the not knowing where it is. i've got it! ...somewhere. i will (probably) find it soon (eventually). i um. yeah. my fail. let me show it to you.

being gloriously anti-social today. and it is glorious. did i mention the glory?

Weather was gorgeous today though. I walked to CVS to pick up my prescription. It's about 20 minutes, and the day was so nice. I have to say that people honking at me in Wheeling is a lot sketchier than people honking at me in DC, though.

anamuan: i'm sorry
shatteredinu: it's okay. not your fault I have no decision-making skills.

Also drove Annie to piano lessons because mom is sick and someone needs to take care of her ne. mom, not annie. at any rate. It's really pretty, with the leaves and stuff, and i have a lot of memories wrapped up on that property. I did an 85-point turn in her driveway to get so i pointed back out and did not get lost going either direction. The new street lights (since last time i drove there um...4 years ago?) are very convinient. And Mrs. Young looks so much better than she did last time i saw her, it's kind of unbelievable. I'm really glad. Though she is much tinier than i remember. I'm like a head taller than her now.

I am displeased by this new profile page. make it go away.
sometimes i feel like a together-together monkey.

wtf, 迷子to iu ka, quotes without context, tv, nikki no baka, idiotic is my new hobby, america, annie, my god is an awesome god, mi familia, why aren't you kidding?, dream, weather, teh internets > my sanity, wow you suck, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi

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