en mi sueños

Nov 05, 2008 19:15

if you know Big Bang's LIE, watch this.

i may stop watching the news if they keep insiting on saying idiotic things. (it was the yahoo! article, rather than the report about the yahoo! article that has me :|||-ing yet again.)

We all went to vote at the same time yesterday. I was really excited because I've never gotten to vote in person before. All absentee. When I was little, my parents took me into the box with them, set me up on the table where I could see, and explained it all. Sometimes they'd tell me which ones to vote for and let me punch it through myself. IT WAS SO COOL OMG.
yes, this is probably why i always vote. Though I have to say. these new electronic voting machines are not nearly as satisfying as the paper ballots. i may have to ask for a paper one from now on.

shatteredinu: rofl a consolation puppy. how depressing

if we have to keep talking about race it's obviously still a problem :\

While I was gone, Annie got better, and Mom got it from her.

Got breasts? Know anyone with breasts? Pleaselook at this. I got it in an email from Tego about how people undergo major surgery, and then are sent home a few hours later because insurrance companies won't cover them if they stay longer. Signing the petition is for a bill that requires insurrances companies to pay for a minimum of 48-hours of hospital stay time, instead of pressuring hospitals to send patients home after mastectomies.

Am a bit disappointed that when I went to go freeze some grapes, i found them all growing things and Not Fit for Human Consumption.

other people's awesome, food, america, my god is an awesome god, annie, mi familia, quotes without context, no one cares no really, bakanakoto, unproductive is my tokugi

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