i wanna know how it feels to

Oct 21, 2008 22:30

Stewart: I always thought there was a West and a Virginia. But now I'm told there is a 'real' virginia (which may include West Virginia) ... and a 'fake' virginia. ...yea, no this virginia is not for lovers!

One of my sisters learned in science class that Wheeling has more cloudy days than Seattle. I am realizing how true this is. I have trouble getting up (early) on cloudy days.

nihongofrancais: veggies are god

speaking of veggies, went to jebbia's today. mom let me get a turnip, which i have no idea how to cook. yet. and we also got mushrooms. :D they, at least, were tasty.
there was a cute little kid who was me several years ago. running around, very excited, but not being loud and obnoxious. She was like THERE IS ICE UNDER THE BROCCOLI :DDDDDD and I want to help pick the peppers :DDDDDDDDD
mom and i guessed the weight of a ginormous pumkin for a drawing. we're not sure what for. hopefully not the pumpkin.

i don't have jury duty afterall. you should have seen how excited i was when i didn't get a busy signal (finally). And then it turned out that it didn't matter, because i'm not being called.

had some nice dreams, and then one last one where i was going back to ryuugaku in japan again and getting ready and lost my cell phone and there was no net access, so i had no way to contact people about maybe having found my cell phone, and no plane tickets, and no place to live, until finally the hassle of it all woke me up. I was literally so annoyed with the pain in the ass the trip was going to be that it woke me up. :\

O period, where art thou? probably off with my MIA diploma.

food, tv, nikki no baka, america, food=幸せ, quotes without context, mi familia, no one cares no really, bakanakoto, weather, dream, posts of oblique references

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