(your) smile like sunrise (makes me glow)

Oct 22, 2008 15:43

Happy Birthday, sanctified_x!!!

oh, since we were downtown yesterday, we stopped and got some coffee at the local place. Inside the barrista introduced us to another customer, the Nailer's goalie. Kinda cool.

Mom promised pizza on Wednesday. She didn't tell me I had to work for it. Was dragged to help the middle school strings' parents hand out pizza to the middle scoholers up at the high school (they've got a concert tonight. which i will probably end up working too T_T can't skip out early if i'm working it T_T). It wasn't bad though, made friends with some parents. One mother (German. Recently moved here from somewhere in Georgia. Her children are all upset about how cold it is this far north) asked if i went to the high school, but i cleared that up. And no one treated me like a small child, which is a definite plus when working with someone.
Mr. P did ask whose mother I was though. :\\\\\\\\\

Uncle Andrew has prostate cancer, but they apparently caught it very early because he'd gone to get some teeth pulled at the dentist. ...i'm not sure how that works, exactly, but it did. Gong-gong has prostate cancer too. Can you guess what runs in my family?


news, food, america, my god is an awesome god, annie, 曖昧っていいよねぇ, why aren't you kidding?, mi familia, bakanakoto, ;_;, with the random, i don't even know what to call this tag

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