love me no different?

May 17, 2008 20:35

i like how boyporn and boypron are just synonyms. there are no typos.

The shower was nice, but too early for me (stayed up last night, doubly against my better judgement, reading the end of Rose Daughter). It was quite chilly, so I gave up on the whole skirt idea and just wore jeans and a nice top. I was totally pittari in terms of formality so that was good. I was, however, stupid and forgot to put in a card. Um. bright nikki, real bright.
I also saw Katrina, whom I haven't seen since she moved partway through high school. She's applying for a masters in econ. jk;af;kjl econ.

Mist in swirling, whirling eddies in mountain hollows, twining between trees and their branches

there needs to be a news shower orgy called "This is the shower time."
someone get on that.

After I came home in time to pester jadedfrenzy, tinyangl and nihongofrancais for a bit. That was fun. ♥
I had a fish sandwich as well.

Then I abandoned a burgeoning mini!commentspam with 4_03_am and maya_morning over at hizashikage in favor of a 'short' nap. I stole my sister's bed (she's got the best mattress), and it lasted 2.5 hours longer than I'd planned it to, but it was glorious nonetheless.

Down in a cup of a valley, surrounded close by wood-covered hills; drawn close around them, a simile of forest-covered mountains made of cloud.

My dad's given me a book chapter about Jews in China to edit. This is good in that it is probably more submitable to general publishing houses than boypron (I could be wrong). It is bad in that I will have to read it, and history books were never my pleasure reading of choice.

Dinner up at the Highlands, and it's gorgeous. A thunderstorm rolled in while we were up there, and it's just. This sheet of rain advancing, rolling all around you and the sunset bright and brilliant in the western sky.

Mom won some little stuffed turtles up at the park (that the jazz band played at for the competition). The one she gave annie is named Nashi. Nashi the turtle. how cute!

food, watch me be vain, nikki no baka, commentfic, idiotic is my new hobby, america, annie, the pretty, mi familia, socializing ftw, with the random, sleep, posts of oblique references

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