news from the homefront

May 16, 2008 17:04

Happy Graduation, stillesprite & Krisztina!!!!!!

sillyandmorbid: That's right! My slave can just hold my drool bucket!

WV is a lot colder than I anticipated. I, foolish creature that I am, assumed it would be humid and 80 like in VA. Good thing I brought a sweater.

I've never been to a bridal shower. What am I supposed to bring/do? Is a T-shirt and jeans good enough?

My mother and sisters were leaving early this morning to go to cleveland for annie's jazz band competition. I went back to bed several times because if everyone's going to be gone when i wake up anyway, i might as well enjoy my sleep.

I am reading Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley. It creeps me out every time. that i'm alone in my room, i'm not sure i can finish. I might have to wait until everyone comes back.

date with nihongofrancais on the home phone.
date with mycroftnext via gmail.
and general shennangans with jadedfrenzy

Apparently, my name is in the program for graduation. lol whoops.

oh! the sun came out!
it's still cold.

annie, my deep and abiding love for 顔文字, quotes without context, mi familia, bakanakoto, weather, the jianjian, posts of oblique references, socializing ftw

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