off to church.

May 18, 2008 16:40

evening service ftw~ i would definitely have slept through a morning service.

I have discovered that the reason my cough drops at school weren't really working is that they're actually vitamin C drops. way to go, Nikki! read that package!

nihongofrancais: After I talk about sausages, I'll bring you in on that.
jadedfrenzy: OK.

i may have written something for the het!meme (against nihongofrancais's orders). Can you find it? winner gets a prize. um. probably not a very good one. people i've told already can't guess
No one's writing, so you should. That way I don't have to feel like i should do them all myself and can work on jthreesome fic.

sillyandmorbid (constructed dialogue): "I wanna grow up to be just like my daddy. A douchebag on the school board!"

we mysteriously have penguins hockey on tv again. Apparently one of the reasons we'd stopped watching was because the local station stopped carrying it. I AM SO GLAD IT'S BACK. i love hockey. it's just so much fun to watch. and the possibility of fights... :D!

Happy Birthday, karinberry!!!!

tv, quotes without context, nikki no baka, commentfic, ficcage

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