sore in the right ways

Apr 30, 2008 23:19

Cooked again the other day. fried rice this time. chicken. with peas and corn and egg. oishikatta desu.

なんか寂しい気がするよね。やっぱね。今日は最後のクラスがあったんだ。 I can't really articulate it. Something about finally settling into a space for me, and being comfortable with all the people in my classes (especially today's, because there are well, 7 of us), and having them be comfortable with me. Something about being on equal footing, and one of the gang, bitching about classes and assignments, rent prices, the commute, the weather, whatever. That warm and cozy atmosphere, where people understand lame lx jokes, and you can make someone describe their tuna sandwich in a feature matrix ([-fresh], [+cheese], etc. We did this to Jinsok the other day at lunch)

Staying over at the girls' place tonight. I'm excited. ♥
But also hungry. nm. ate.

Rob asked our class (coming straight from the ice cream end-of-the-year party) if we didn't think the Lx dept was getting more social. Yes, it is. But it's not like we could have gotten less.
We've decided we're keeping rob, even if the university's not. XD Cala threatened to chain him to his office.

Tentative plans to do tentative things next next week after everything's due. If it doesn't pan out, i know i'll be hurt.

The icecream thing was fun too. first of all, lots of icecream. Portner got made full professor (i'd thought he was already.) And they kind of unexpectedly announced all the people who're graduating or passed their orals, so, i got announced. It was a bit embarrassing, because i'd snuck my language partner in for the icecream. After, i ran out with half my class--only it turned out they were going for a smoke. Still, good times.

I think my classmates are taking bets on whether or not I'll actually stop now. :|

...the hell is with akanishi's hair?
and apparently the spazz on the flist says that koki has his tongue pierced. that boy ♥ i just. my mind cannot accept the idea that he is, well. tough enough to have his tongue pierced.

went to that exhibit with stillesprite and Tego. it took us a ridiculously long time to find the place. Go, large and obvious signs! not. It was tiny, and hard to see, and stuck in a corner behind a pillar. Um, yeah. But the exhibit was really very interesting. It would have been better if they'd had the originals with Mizuki's versions somehow, so you could compare. At the end we found a book with the original prints in, so we went back through the exhibit so we could see. It was better that way.
This morning i had some shirt issues. in the end, i ended up unbuttoning and rebuttoning my shirt on the elevator XD. um. very, very quickly.

There was also a tv screen playing a 15 second commercial for Ge Ge Ge no Kintaro, looped. OMG. It was maddening. seriously. drove us halfway batty. Then we paused it until we were ready to leave XD we were the only ones there at the time, so we figured it wouldn't ruin the exhibit for anyone else. So, glad we went, and it was a good time together.

On the way, we stopped off for stillesprite to pick up her glasses. They're very classy. I like them a bunch.

After, we caught the guts bus back to campus, and krisztina came down for a bit, and we lolled about for a bit. Then I went to join Dijana at the gym. We went swimming. It was a good time. I haven't seen her in ages (since spring break, essentially), and i don't think i've seriously been swimming since maybe sophomore year. I apparently didn't bring goggles with me, though, so i couldn't do any real swimming. It was all above-water breast stroke, and a tiny little bit of backstroke, but i kept getting water in my eyes so i gave up. That kind of made me sad, because that's my stroke (it felt so good), but on the other hand, backstroke isn't very conducive to conversation, so.

tonight was a 8 veggie (pizza) pie from romeo's cafe. oishikatta. it's really quite close to the girls' place. I always think of the trip from the southwest quad, so in my head it's this impossibly long walk. But really it's very close.

疲れてるけど, wtf, 迷子to iu ka, 寂しがりやじゃない, food=幸せ, someone just shoot me kthxbai, the pretty, i am so fucked it's not even funny, please let me live through this week, food, with the doom!, class, hoya saxa, america, lx or bastardizations thereof, japan, why aren't you kidding?, bakanakoto, ♥ILU FLIST, socializing ftw, with the random, unproductive is my tokugi, school

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