
Apr 10, 2008 11:58

I wish this fandom had more round-robin type challenges. Come on guys. FIC SHIRITORI. it would be the best thing ever yo.
Would anyone be interested on joining in a small-scale test version? I errr, set something up already. It's totally not polished in any way yet, but the post explaining the tentative rules is relatively shiny.

Come on. Join in. You know you want to. It will be very low stress. Just a fun time. honest.
jadedfrenzy is messing with the layout now, because she is AMAJING and i am made of fail. in my defense, i set up the comm around 4 am last night
I also accidentally created another journal instead. :\\\ I am very talented.

sillyandmorbid: So I think we were talking about maternity clothes for men who are pregnant.

winterspel posted links to this article Pearls Before Breakfast and I read it last night instead of doing my homework.
It made me cry. as i listened to other music

My lack of fuzzy piles is kind of depressing.

I am very impulsive. Sometimes it takes me a while to make up my mind, but once I've come to a decision, I usually go for it right away.

So sillyandmorbid and I will do this thing where we text each other random song lyrics, and the other person has to send back the next line. (I think shenron118 may have started a round once as well). It's stupid, and I'm pretty bad at it because I have trouble hearing lyrics, but it makes me ridiculously happy anyway.
All alone he turns to stone/while holding his breath half to death

on choreography.
anamuan: Back to kidnapping, i guess. If it works for North Korea...

I really do like impromptu commentdrabbles best. you can stop whenever you want, no pressure because no one expects anything, you don't have to have a whole idea. they're lovely.
I don't remember what i usually do with these things because it's been a while, but this time i liked it a lot, so i'm sticking it here too. post!apocolypse Yamapi walrus!wrestling commentdrabble.

A lot had changed in the last ten years. The end--privately, in some ways he still thought of it as the end of the world, but that wasn't PC to say these days. You had to focus on the miracle of being alive, the brillance of the worlds' scientists, the resilance of the human race--was so sudden; unexpected despite all the warning signs. On some level, Yamapi was--like everyone else, probably--amazed anyone had survived at all, more than amazed that the tattered remains of nations got back to running so quickly, but mostly it was easier not to think about it. He didn't let himself think about it, didn't dwell on the secret, niggling horror of the idea that soon he'd be one of the last people on Earth who remembered what it looked like green, that the children been born in tubes in the creches around the world would never know that their planet could be warm. It was depressing and traumatic, and people needed happy things now more than ever.

That's what Yamapi told himself, anyway, as he squared off against the walrus. It was small as walruses went, even the genetically altered walruses bred to live in antarctica after the Crash, and for that much Yamapi was grateful. His left arm still hurt a little from the round with the last walrus; he was getting too old for this business. The director held up his hand--cameras had been rolling already, in case the walrus was feeling frisky--and someone hit a bell, the clear pell ringing out over the ice.

originally posted over on sollasollew11's journal, on this entry which is funny in its own right.

Jamie's giving me a ride to school (they're all going for 1:15 classes), so suddenly I have an extra hour on my hands. I almost don't know what to do with myself. Predictably, I'm not spending it on homework.

other people's awesome, pimpin', nikki no baka, idiotic is my new hobby, i can't believe i wrote this, ficcage, quotes without context, i don't have tags for intelligent things, teh internets > my sanity, ♥ILU FLIST, with the random, socializing ftw, school

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