Apr 09, 2008 16:43

You're probably noticing the trend, but bright days make me really happy. It's not the case that cloudy days make me unhappy, but sunny days really do give me a lot more energy.
Or that might be the coffee talking. Actually, my hands are shaking a little ^^;; it's a little weird.

Because it's sunny, I've decided to write letters.

I'm kind of hungry. I kind of skipped lunch in favor of a free bagel and some unfree coffee.

The day started out very gloomy and kind of cold, but was supposed to get warmer. And then sometimes during P&P the clouds went away and the sun came out. It is marvelous.
Accordingly, I wore a short, pleated skirt that's also very warm, OTKs, and...a T-shirt. Like, a regular t-shirt. But it dressed the outfit down a little, and also I had to wear a H*yas for Choice Tshirt to get my free bagel. Also, flat shoes.

I need to do a lot of transcription. I cannot express enough how much I dislike transcription.

I know i say it a lot (like every monday and wednesday), but i really really like phonology. Somehow or another, it just makes me happy.
relatedly, I got less points off the last homework than i thought I would. I'm not very good at not being redudant with my feature specifications, unfortunately.

Debbie has really phenomenal analyzing powers in the domain of discourse. She's still not so good at technology.

I keep getting these phone calls where the person on the other end breathes heavily. :\\\\

After recitation (which was disgustingly fun. even if I'm the only one who thought so) (i hope i didn't come off as confrontational. I really don't try. I'm just very straightforward in my information-seeking questions), I went to go be a subject for Joe's intercomm project. Juror instructions.

The pharmicist who asked if I was pregnant lives in my building.

I had to go buy potato chips at the lobby no conbini because. salt. neeeeed.

food, nikki no baka, class, nerdly ftw!, lx or bastardizations thereof, i am so fucked it's not even funny, weather, teh internets = my sanity, socializing ftw, the jianjian, posts of oblique references, with the random, school

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