
Mar 09, 2008 16:08

today, I tried making that cottage cheese spaghetti pancake that anime_heart gave me the recipe for. But because the conbini in the lobby didn't have any cottage cheese, i tried to substitute sour cream. I dunno if it 'worked' but it tastes good. I tried a bite with tonkatsu sauce on to see how that was, and while it was good, it wasn't the taste i wanted, so I'm glad i hadn't put it over the whole thing.
I also washed all my pans after because Seb cooks, unlike jamie, so i have to worry about it.

I also remembered that i had cranberry pomegranate juice sitting in my cupboard cause it's the kind you don't need to refridgerate until opening. So. I have juice. Which means my need to go grocery shopping is not as dire.

must resist the salty cravings and the urges to buy cheezits. must resist.

food, why aren't you kidding?, i am so fucked it's not even funny, i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, please let me live through this week

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