too much (stuff); not enough (time)

Mar 10, 2008 08:28

the problem is simply that i don't want to. nihongofrancais doesn't get it, but. That's the problem. Before I wanted to 'know the answer.' Now I know the answer, or at least part of the answer, and that's good enough for me. I've got all the pieces. I don't see why i have to make it into a puzzle simply to prove I've got them.

Also, I have to wonder if my increasingly intense feelings of unhappiness at the prospect of going to school every week are a sign that i am simply not cut out for this. I've never wanted to run away so badly.
I just have tot ell myself that it's only a little longer and force myself through. I hate so many of my classes. Actually. Probably the only class i like is phonetics. And that's probably because i don't have to do the reading and i'm still learning. I feel like field methods mostly wastes my life; Intercultural communication would be fun, but it's too much busywork to really be a fluff class like it ought to be. LangID. It's interesting. But honestly, I hate it. It makes me so nervous every time. If i had to do that for the rest of my life instead of the rest of this term, I would have a nervous breakdown.

i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, teh internets > my sanity, mini!(r-.-)r, school

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