1 hour fic challenge, LIPS PV

Jan 29, 2008 22:11

This time the prompt was KAT-TUN's LIPS promotional video. See what good things came out of it? :D Here's everyone else's:
jackowelska's; soucieux's; jemz's; shatteredinu's; imwahyou's; mousapelli's; iverin's;
goldengutgirl's; tokyostory's; spurious's; wintersjuly's; yamapea's; karinberry's

Title: 5 scenes that didn't make it into the 'making of' DVD.

Kame whips the hat off his head dramatically, and then the director calls "CUT" and a fifteen minute break and Nakamaru thinks it couldn't have been timed better if he'd planned it. Kame bounces in place on set, full of adrenaline, until the tech staff chases him off to mess with lighting.

Nakamaru grabs his wrist and drags him into the hallway. Presses him up against the wall and presses lips to his neck. Leaves a trail of feather light kisses up to his jaw, his ear, over to his mouth, where Kame katches him and kisses back.

Everything speeds up then, when Kame starts working a hand down the front of Nakamaru's pants and Nakamaru belatedly fumbles with the scarf tied around Kame's waist.

Jin angles the hat down over his eyes and smirks. That yes, i know I'm gorgeous smirk and Koki hates it. Because Jin's sexy when he smirks and they're in a studio full of people and rolling video cameras and there's nothing Koki can do about it. It drives him crazy. And makes walking painful.

They start filming solo sections and Koki flees to the bathroom to try and take care of things when Jin saunters in behind him, still smirking below the rim of his hat. Koki freezes, halfway in the first stall, and then Jin pushes him all the way in and closes the door behind them. Jin has Koki's pants down and is pulling him out before Koki's really processed the situation. Jin strokes up once, on his knees and smirking up from under his hat.

"Why don't I help you with that?"

Koki hits his head on the side of the stall and changes his mind. He loves Jin's smirk.

Ueda pushes Kame up against the counter roughly, arms on either side, locking him in place. Pressing his hips to Kame's, Ueda strokes a possessive hand down his ass and leans in to catch his lips, taking--not asking for--permission. Ueda rolls his hips into Kame's slowly as he breaks the kiss to bite at Kame's neck, and that's all it takes for Kame to stop hesitating and start moving, thrusting forward and gasping into Ueda's hair. Ueda pulls Kame closer and snakes a hand down between them, building friction, and then Kame wraps an arm around Ueda's shoulders and a leg around Ueda's waist and throws his head back and screams.

Ueda wipes away some of the black make-up streaking down Kame's face and kisses his cheek.

Koki leans closer, lips barely brushing the mic, and slides a hand slowly down the stand. He gets an impish look on his face as he trails his hand back up, to cradle the mic against his face and says "And now, Nakamaru Yuichi: an impression."

Then Koki starts sliding his hand along the mic stand faster--up and down, obscenely--and starts moaning loudly. He throws his head back, an expression of grotesque 'ecstacy' on his face, and moves his hand faster, bringing up his other one to cup the top of the mic. "Oh, yes, yes, god! Harder, Jin, god harder! Oh, oh, more, harder. god, Jin. Ohohoh YESSSS!!!"

Nakamaru hits Koki on the back of the head. Hard.

"Ow," Koki chuckles, rubbing the sore spot on the back of his head.

*totally cheating* this last section was written last night, but i liked it and i'll never post it otherwise.
Yamapi shoved Jin back roughly, forced him to stumble back a few steps, and then shoved him again, harder, down to land ungracefully in a straight-backed chair. Yamapi was down after him before he had a chance to collect himself, straddling him before he had a chance to pull his limbs into order or catch his balance. Yamapi leaned impossibly closer, hand buried in the ruff of the hood, chin hovering tooclosenotcloseenough to Jin's ear.

"Take this off." Yamapi pulled on the fur. "But keep the hat on."

1 hour fic, other people's awesome, read at your own risk, porn is my new new hobby, ficcage, pairings i never thought i'd write, ♥ILU FLIST, socializing ftw

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