(no subject)

Jan 30, 2008 20:05

i am eating apple pie for dinner. *smug* late lunch so i'm not hungry but i thought i should eat something but too lazy to cook but my roommate bought apple pie again.
I am also pleased to report that my roommate bought bananas again. Which means I am thinking that those banana bread muffin thingies anime_heart put a recipe up for recently will be mine to enjoy in a couple of weeks. When my roommate forgets she has bananas again.

Today was quite warm, and also sunny. I only had one winter coat on and a scarf :D

we played jeopardy in P&P recitation today. With categories like 'alveolars' 'non-pulmonics' 'vowels' 'fricatives' (and a couple more). In teams. It was pretty awesome. We did have to do some quick explaining of what jeopardy was at the beginning, and we didn't have a buzzer so instead we used the TA's umbrella...but it was still pretty awesome. Pat knew everything (he was on my team. no complaints), and Anastasia (other team) was so into the competition thing. It was adorable.

blake: diexis is funny.

I have not doppelganged in a while and that is sad. But monday, after my presenation of doom! i have plans and it gives me a reason to try and get through past monday. especially since the pie will be gone by then.

I am doing laundry, like i said I would yesterday but didn't. yay! the prospect of clean clothes.

Went out to lunch with Hirono and Jinsook (sp??? *fail*) at Booey's. Got the Natural, and it was really good. Turkey, fresh spinach, fresh tomato, russian dressing and provolone cheese. maybe mayo, but you'd think they wouldn't need that with the russian. Their sandwiches are usually pretty hit and miss for me, so I am excited about having something to order next time. We talked about homework/classes, pirating Japanese dramas, music, the korean military, and family practices while the tape-recorder rolled. (can it still roll if it's digital? i mean, of course it doesn't literally anymore, but can you still say that?)

I need a topic. badly.

Went grocery shopping and now there is food. that is exciting as well. Also it's wednesday, which means the week gets easier from here on out. Provided I get all my stuff for Monday done. yes. provided i get that done.

EDIT: talked to the jianjian and it was AWESOME!!! :D

food, with the doom!, class, someone just shoot me kthxbai, lx or bastardizations thereof, what; is this hope?, quotes without context, i am so fucked it's not even funny, weather, socializing ftw, school

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