there was this little boy in a stroller while i waited for my bus at ballston. he was being strolled (?) along when he saw a pigeon, and tried making animal noises at it. "miao~ woof!!, miao~~" It was quite cute.
Today hasn't been the best day of my life, and it doesn't look like this week is shaping up to be the most awesome thing ever either. All i need now is for my period to start so that when something shitty happens tomorrow I can burst into tears and embarrass myself as well.
I am looking forward to another porn
fic challenge (click for details, if anyone else wants to join? you know you do. I'm looking at you
mycrofnext) tonight.
it was quite warm today.
had fun experimenting with dinner.
I made rice, cut up some (orange) pepper, and heated up some oil in a frying pan.
Then i sauteed the peppers for a bit until they were about half-cooked, dumped some rice in on top, and then added some of that crab dip. Mixed it all together, and then i tried to make them into little patties, but my flipping skills are lacking, so that didn't work.
It looked at tasted surprisingly good, but it was quite oily.
When i told my mom what i was planning to make, there was a very long silence. and then she said, 'you have fun with that.'
and that might be it.