i hate mondays.

Jan 28, 2008 21:06

I broke my (well, technically, mycroftnext's stapler last night. ;_; now i am stapler-less again. why don't they like me?

it's weird, but lately i've read (or was supposed to have read and therefore skimmed bits of) most or all the citations at the back of sociolx articles. :| Especially the ones dealing with theory (it happens less with individual studies that weren't like, mind-blowing). it's weird.

why is it discourse, but discursive?

um, guys. guys. i just found out when my thesis is due. March 28th. MARCH 28TH. not only is that a mere two months, away, it's the day before my cousin's wedding. which i'm flying to cali for (and early to visit with nihongofrancais!). Which means i have to get it done before the 28th (two months away). but i have a major in-class presentation on the 27th. So i have to get it done before that, say at least 3 days, so i have time to make a presentation. I HAVE LESS THAN 2 MONTHS TO WRITE MY THESIS. I have less than 2 months to write my thesis, and this is the part that kills me, this is the first they've had the deadline available. dude. everything else until now was 'you know, spring' or 'i don't know. we'll have it figured out soon' and that kind of non-answer. Dude. give me some fucking time.
I am seriously light-headed. breath in, breath out.

in other news, i actually cut my nails, so i won't be able to kill anyone with them again for at least a week, maybe a week and a half. :Dv

i ate my last clementine. it's very sad.
But i came home and found that my roommate had made us one of those instant pizzas, so my dinner dilemmas had been solved with no effort on my part. :DDDD sometimes, i like her quite a bit.

LandID. Need a topic. So that i can present on it on Monday. T______T this is not shaping up to be a positive day for me.
Class was fun and interesting, though. I hate the little presentations we have every week because I uncharacteristically turn beet red and was actually forgetting words today. when i had my presentation typed out in front of me. So that was special. But during break (5 min, because we were so running late) we all sat around and talked about how much we wished we were eating right then, even the teacher. He was also having a 'all thoughts come straight out the mouth' day, so. *feels a little better*
he needs a haircut.

also, incidently: interesting essay on study abroad experience in Egypt

Field methods and phonology were. I did not fall asleep because i bought my caffiene. yes.

oh! i've edited the last post to include the pretty things jadedfrenzy did to that one pic of the umbrella and the hongkong harbor, so go check it (flocked entry) out ne. It makes me want to put up more pictures and see if i can't get it to happen again ^_~

EDIT: also, i know everyone and their mother knows about this already, but. i need to talk about it too. LIPS PV? That bit, around 3:36, where Kame rips off his hat? guh, why is that so hot? he has no business being that sexy.
I also approve of the nicely phallic mic and stroking but Junno's seriously makes me worry that he's going to poke an eye out or something on it.
Finally, hey! i'm stupid! but i just realized why they're all constantly licking their lips suggestively. LIPS. duh. ~_~

疲れてるけど, wtf, someone just shoot me kthxbai, the pretty, i am so fucked it's not even funny, please let me live through this week, food, nikki no baka, with the doom!, class, eigo, lx or bastardizations thereof, why aren't you kidding?, bakanakoto, homework, with the random, commentspam gets its own tag now, school

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