first day of class

Jan 10, 2008 01:17

so this post will necessarily be school heavy.

so. the fire alarm went off last night around midnight. this is not a dorm, so i (with my roommate, mother and sister) dutifully left the apartment building and waited (probably too close to the building) in the parking lot. eventually we just went and sat in the car because we could. Firetrucks came and everything, lights and siren ablaze, but then it turned out to be nothing.
there went 'going to bed early'

DDDDD: guys, i don't think i'll have time to write in class this year. this makes me sad. it means i will have to be paying attention. *sigh*

first up, sociolx fieldmethods, being taught by one of my least favourite professors atm (i'm still mad at her). I think it will probably be informative, but i've had her before, and as a lecuturer, she is not god's gift to students. Also, the workload is going to kill me, and eat me. probably raw.

next, phonetics & phonology I, taught by my favourite thesis advisor. I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS IT'S RIDICULOUS. i'm so glad my last theoretical class (ever? :D?) will be phonology. phonology. i have a deep and abiding love for phonology and i blame Maria. (mycroftnext, i will not forget my promise.)
First day of class, so after getting signed in by the prof (since i didn't make it during preregistration), we got out early.

i should be sleeping.

got some more necessary signatures, and turned that in, AND THEN I GOT TO SEE wakikaki!!!! :DDDDDDDDDD *huggles* oh, i've missed you so~
met kate (?) wakikaki's friend, but she had a french class to get to. met up with tegola, and then the three of us went to sushi, and then shopping. after christmas sales ftw. (some more than others, but still)

I have stolen nearly all sillyandmorbid's music. life is good.

Back to campus in time for my 4:15 seminar. oh dear lord, this class. this class is going to be the bane of my existence i wish i were exaggerating. And it looks sososo interesting too, which only makes it worse. It is. a graduate level seminar. honestly, i probably not qualified for it (but what better way to get qualified than to just do it? yeah, i couldn't think of any either). it's the highest level course offered this term. Language and Identity. with that pesky DC-focus. We'll (each of us, individually) have article presentations weekly. Each student will present 3 times per semester, each presentation being 45-60 minutes in length. And then at the end of term, we'll finish it up with a short paper of only 30 pages. ;______________;
i think it's my first seminar that will actually end up being run like a seminar. everything will be dependent on student research. there are 7 of us. i am terrified.

but i love the professor. the subject matter is incredibly, ridiculously interesting. and even though with only 7 students, i'll be forced to talk a lot, i kind of know everyone already and, given past experience with these kids (as i say with everyone being older than me), this class will probably rock. hard. we didn't even get out early, really, today (which i always hope for, no matter what. *lazy*). all of 15 minutes, which meant the class lasted more than 2 hours, no breaks. AND I HAD FUN. THE WHOLE TIME. T__T god, i'm doomed.

oh. did i mention that over the course of the term, just from monday classes, i am expected to do 4 sociolx interviews? two of which need to be transcribed? just shoot me now, please, and put me out of my misery.

only one class tomorrow, and i think my friday one got moved to wednesday, hopefully permanently. that would be awesome.
so much homework for monday. T___T not nice, georgetown, not nice.

with the doom!, nikki no baka, ;jkag;ljkag;lkja, class, nerdly ftw!, lx or bastardizations thereof, i am so fucked it's not even funny, bakanakoto, please let me live through this week, ;_;, homework, sleep, school

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