1 hour fic

Jan 09, 2008 21:59

1 hour fic on these shiny pics of Ryo. There were a lot of people again. All of whom are more awesome, so go read theirs instead. :DDD

this is not even close to being done. and there are gaps everywhere. whatever. maybe i'll clean it up someday. maybe i'll just start over.

Ryo showed up without warning, but he wasn't worried. He knew Yamapi's schedule nearly as well as his own (only half the stuff to remember, afterall) and he knew Jin would be home alone, no interruptions. It had been a while.

Jin wasn't expecting him, but he wasn't exactly surprised either. He opened the door a little wider and took a half-step to the side, letting Ryo inside. It was a bit of a tight squeeze because Jin never made enough room in the narrow entryway. Ryo took advantage of the opportunities he was given, pressing close for an instant--sexual, teasing--before pulling away and moving into the living room. Jin always froze for a second then, on pause by the door, thinking about what (who) he was doing and why--

And then Ryo's voice floated back through to the entrance, snapping Jin back to the moment, to reality, and he closed the door, stripping off his shirt on his way back into the apartment. He wouldn't be needing it.

Ryo was sitting on the white couch, shirt unbuttoned and jeans already open. Jin padded over quietly and dropped down in front of him, but instead of Ryo's pants, pulled Ryo down instead. Pulled him off the couch and onto the floor and crawled up his body for a kiss.

Jin licked a line up, tracing up the curve of Ryo's hip, up the line of muscle and placed a bite precisely at the top where hip met stomach before continuing further up still. Ghosting over stomach and chest, featherlight touches of lips to skin up the column of Ryo's neck, up up to the heat of Ryo's impatient mouth.

Jin dropped by without notice, but he always did.

i am starting to need a tag for this.
Iso also wrote, but couldn't post last night so she finished the fic instead. Iso's pretty finished fic :D

1 hour fic, other people's awesome, there be no plot here, read at your own risk, i can't believe i wrote this, ficcage, the pretty, ♥ILU FLIST

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