*continues failing*

Dec 06, 2007 12:21

but it's ok, because i'm at school, right? right?

GUYS, i think i know what i want for Christmas!
I also think I'm in love.

As per usual, the University's pre-emptive attempts to fight the snow result in walkways covered in black ice. Oh, Georgetown, when will you ever learn?

"Let's do sex first because it's not as interesting"
Last SocVar class today, and I am kind of sorry to see it go. I am going to miss it and all its early morning innuendo.

Last JapAcq in 45 minutes, and I am not at all sorry to see it go. But my paper is done, and my presentation stuff is done, and all the consistently early mornings this week (and maybe the bright, happy sunshine) meant I got up at 7:45 without any trouble and didn't feel exhausted despite the general lack of sleep. :D

I am going to become the girl who cried "hiatus" because really, this shouldn't count at all, except that telling myself it means I only complusively check my email 5 times a day instead of 45, and I don't let myself play on the interwebs. (*sadness*) But obviously I am a loser.

There is a deptartmental holiday party today which will provide food and we have to bring a white elephant gift. I have a gift. I did not, however, have any wrapping paper (even though I thought I had some floating around that mycroftnext left me). But i have 1.5 hours to find wrapping paper before the party starts, so.

Ok, well. *goes back to pretending sanity does not exist*

i am really bad at this 'hiatus' thing, class, quotes without context, weather, homework, sleep, teh internets = my sanity, school

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