oh dear god, the trauma.

Oct 12, 2007 00:47

So. I was worried that they'd tow our car.

In the 5 minutes it took us to let mom use the bathroom, (i was for going straight back down, and getting that done) they did, in fact, try to tow the car.

Thankfully Ted. (I LOVE YOU, TED) the guy down at the desk. straightened it out for us.
Mom thinks that the tow guy tried to steal her money. Because while we were waiting for Ted to talk to the 'security' guy (also works for the tow company, so i'm really not sure how much security it is, and how much 'OO look! a car!' it is) about the towing (since we were still in the lot and everything) he drops the 100 towing fine/fee to 25. And then suddenly drops it to zero. Before the security-tow guy, who's on the phone inside the apartment building entrance--as in, no where near tow-guy who is arguing with my mother--has a chance to tell him that since they didn't call our car in before they started towing they had to put the car back.

Kekkyoku, we did get to take tego home. But it was que stressful. And i just want to die now. (die = sleep) It is past my normal bedtime, and i have to get up extra early tomorrow.

But i guess, on the up side, i had dinner, and it was tasty, and tego came over for grey's and i was on and off the phone a lot tonight (this maybe isn't necessarily up-side, but it's not down, so.) and we watched that awful show Big Shots afterwards while talking to mycroftnext on gmail chat, so that was fun. 3 people talk too fast for me to type. 2 people i can usually do. Though i've noticed that my rate of words per minute (and subsequently, mistakes per minute) goes up exponentially when mycroftnext is involved.


wtf, food 3, i am angry!, bakanakoto, tv2, mini!(r-.-)r

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