
Oct 11, 2007 19:36

Cold air is coming in off my window. I could turn the heat up, but being cold is still a novel experience, so I'm just putting on more clothes.
Seriously, though, I wish I'd remembered what a high of 65 was when I'd gotten dressed this morning. To think I almost didn't bring a jacket. Tsumari, i was pretty fuckin' freezing all day. yappa the outfit i'd rejected as 'too warm' wasn't. maa maa maa maa.

I think i may stop drinking coffee. I feel funny.

I made a reservation today. It was nice to feel useful.
And then we did some reading stuff from some past JLPT; I think it was level 2, and I swear that I'd read the same yomimono during the actual test last year. Probably it was just the abscence of timed-test stress, but I feel like I understood it a lot better this time around. maybe there's hope.

Morning class was cancelled. I probably should have used that time to do stuff for that class, but i didn't. I did get up early, though, and do stuff, so.
Afternoon class was really interesting, with a lot of active discussion. The normal fill-in-the-blank lectures can be pretty boring, even when the material they cover is somewhat interesting so, it was exciting.

He emailed us homework. emailed it to us. Due monday.
It's not that it's unreasonable to ask us to do it; just that i was hoping and hoping and he hadn't assigned anything yet, so i thought, '今週こそ' *sigh*

I got pop quizzed on the 8 million sets of flashcards I carry around with me all the time.
I was a little slow getting started, but. And I got a refresher on numbers and counting, which i think is good. My math skills are still pretty bad. Things like "today's the first. A-san's birthday is in 3 days" And I'm going "does that mean it's the 3rd, or the 4th?" but. And i pointed out to my language partner that usually the sound changes h→p happen on 1,6, and 8; and that 3's go to b if they're going to change. Native speaker that she is, she'd never noticed. XD

Then I was cold and went home. Tego may come over tonight, and my mom & sister may come into town. できたらいいけど。

food, mi familia, class, weather, homework, japanese

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