weekend checklist

Sep 23, 2007 21:31

♥semantics complete with trees check
♥japacq report check (but not the reading)
♥church check. 遅れたなのに。
♥dishes check
♥new fav music of the weekend check
♥reading of any sort.
♥IRB certification
♥jack around wasting time double check
♥made some friends check. unexpected.教会での。
♥reading of any sort.
♥switching the pic on the calendar check

yeah. i think i need to get on some stuff.

And! i was all braindead yesterday, so i didn't flail properly, but. WE HAVE COUCHES!!! they are truly pink. but not like, hot-pink. they are also leather. and did i mention that they were couches? so we can like, sit somewhere other than the floor and watch tv. or we can come home tired and just flop on the couch or the loveseat. the possibilities are endless. ♥♥♥♥'s couches~ ♥

with the doom!, nikki no baka, homework 2, music!post!, school 2

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