friends + pizza = life might be barely livable

Sep 22, 2007 18:52

I am hungry and sad because i have been working on semantics (with other people) for the past 5 hours straight. If the others weren't here, it just wouldn't have been possible at all. ;_; but! parts have become clear and the last (nearly impossible) problem is worth only 1 pt because it is so hard, so. yeah.
There is also even more impossible extra credit available for us to cry over if we so choose. I'm thinking we're gonna have to so choose, because if we don't, um. yeah.

and. yeah.
didn't go out last night; instead i was in bed by around 12:30 and probably asleep before 1. And then i woke up at @ 12:30 and we had couches!!

i was going to try to get my IRB certification today, but i'm thinking maybe that won't be happening.

on the up-side, we have plans to order pizza, and then we shall feast and maybe watch tv? i could use some mindless tv right about now.
and i guess at least i nantonaku understand semantics, which is better than before and i don't think i will remember them for the tests at all. ;_; again.

eta: people left at 5 till 9. which means that hirono & i spent a grand total of 7 hours on this shit today. zach spent like, 6 here; and sarah 4. We also had pizza, which made life barely bearable.
somebody spam me with stupid youtube links or something. I need to get my soul back.

lx 2, 疲れてるけど, food 3, with the doom!, homework 2, ;_;

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