
Sep 21, 2007 17:10

dear god what am i going to do on campus for another hour? I don't know. I just don't know.
and i miss my japanese word processing skills. not that i have any particular need at the moment; but i like know that should the need arise, i have that option.

so. came to school early. went to the career fair. despaired about my future.
my feet started hurting. then i got lunch: GUGS. I have been carrying around half a burger in my bag since then. I made it a little carry-case out of lots of napkins and some coffee cup lids.

If the technology became available and was completely safe, would you get an internet connection implanted directly into your head?

went to office hours. figured out what the hell is going on with that. At least for the 1st two problems. The last one scares me simply because the prof said it was "very difficult" and said it was therefore worth only one point so as not to kill everyone's grade all at once.

I hate when you wake up from very nice dreams before the end. because then i spend the rest of the day wondering what was going to happen. it is like reading a book and finding the last chapter missing. it is just no good.

went down towards class; ran into some friends. i wish it still weren't the time of year in which i need to actively socialize so that i know i'll still have friends next week, because i am tired desu.
class got out early. normally, this would be good. but today i am stuck on campus until 6 anyway, so it did not make any difference.
I went and took a nap on a couch in ICC. except for the suit probably i looked homeless. and my phone died, so i no longer have a clock.

language dinner tonight. I wonder if i can get anyone to lend me flipflops, because i am in pain yes.
and then i'll probably have to leave early so i can be home in time to change into something more comfortable and go out with people tonight.
I think i am going to have to be a party pooper and crash early. because otherwise i will just crash. which is no fun.

yesterday was fun (but also very long). not enough sleep, early class, a talk i ended up missing (because of my stupid again. it was on tuesday. the one i didn't want was thursday). I'd packed myself a lunch, and then left it at home, so i bought myself a lunch and it was pretty good. I did some necessary but always painful library things. had another class, which as also pretty fun.

language partnered; she's like "I want to work hard to make you pass 1kyuu" and so now its like "i really can't fail" because people are putting effort into me. damn parents. raising me like that.
caught up with stillesprite for a couple hours, which is always good, even when we talk about depressing things like our futures.

met up with tego, got on a bus and went to grad student happy hour in dupont with her friend emma (sp?) who is scotish. Met up with dijana and greg there. talked, had fun and screwdrivers, the vodka did not make me sick, even though i hadn't had dinner really yet and was tipsy in 1.3 sips; tego+friend left, greg's friends were supposed to come; and eventually we bailed and went home.

Called the jianjian, talked for a long time and now her roommate probably thinks i'm really weird, but you can't win them all.
did no homework whatsoever and went to bed. really really tired.

疲れてるけど, nikki no baka, class, food 3, i am a private person, dream, with the random, sleep, the jianjian, america 2, school 2

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