the most surprising thing

Sep 24, 2007 21:25

is how stressful not having done my reading feels.
Last year not doing the reading was the plan. I viewed it as a good plan, and there was no undue stress in the application of the plan (both leading up to class, and during class itself). Some of those classes were graduate classes; it did not matter. Which means that theoretically I should be capable of bullshitting my way through classes this year too.
But. Having resolved to Stay Up On My Reading, somehow not doing it is suddenly stressful.

Perhaps I should have taken the time to learn how to skim.

So today i saw a girl be hit on (by a really very sketch guy) for going on half an hour at the bus station. In retrospect, i probably should have done something to try to rescue her, but. Her stupid just kind of boggled me. a) who gives creepy sketch guys at the bus stop personal information? Like. Your name? why would you do that? and b) if he asks "am i bothering you?" say "yes"! even if she didn't want to go and call the cops because he was (probably) relatively harmless, she even had an out--she was reading. "yes, you kind of are; I'm trying to read."
Then the bus pulled up, but was out of service and when the guy came over to try and get her number (the first time she's like, 'no. i am not answering your question' the whole incident), an old lady was like "stop badgering her or i will call the police yo!" and he disappeared. the amazing disappearing man.

i am royally f-cked. just letting everyone know. So if anyone has any music by Motion City Soundtrack, (particularly LG FUAD, The Future Freaks Me Out, and My Favorite Accident) i'd appreciate them. Also, i'd like to mention how hard it was for me to type 'favorite' instead of favourite. muscle memory is an amazing thing.

with the doom!, bakanakoto, ;_;

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